2.1.2 Approval of Solicitations

Approval of Solicitations

  1. The fundraising program of the University of Georgia encompasses all gift solicitations on behalf of the University, its units, and the UGAF.
  2. The fundraising program generally supports and encourages both unrestricted gifts to the University of Georgia Foundation and UGA and designated gifts to the UGAF to benefit constituent colleges and units of the donor’s choice.
  3. Proposals for solicitations of $25,000 and above originating in the Schools, Colleges, and Units will be routed through the Senior Director of Constituent-Based Development. Proposals for solicitations of $25,000 and above originating in Central Development will be routed through the Executive Director for Gift and Estate Planning as will all planned gift proposals regardless of origin.
  4. The Office of Development maintains a Tracking and Solicitation Management System that records and manages the contacts with and solicitation of prospects in order to avoid multiple solicitations that could confuse the prospect and/or diminish the effectiveness of the solicitation. All contacts and solicitations with donors will be recorded in GAIL and coordinated through the solicitation management system.
  5. The Office of Development maintains a University-wide clearance system to help fundraisers move prospective donors through the development cycle and at the same time insure prospects are not “hoarded” by a particular campus unit. The Advancement Services Department oversees clearance assignments and changes. 
    The four main clearance levels are: 
    1. Suspect Clearance
    1. Primary Clearance
    1. Soliciting Clearance
    1. Stewardship Clearance

Suspect Clearance is the least restrictive level of clearance assigned. It represents a group of individuals believed to be prospects for a particular area. These people normally have never been contacted and need a face-to-face visit to qualify them as a legitimate prospect. Suspects are identified through Research Department efforts or via screening sessions. Any development officer can make the qualification contact with a suspect. The suspect list insures each development officer has a pool of potential prospects ready to be rotated on to their Primary cultivation list.

Primary Clearance represents prospects currently under cultivation for a major gift solicitation. Other development officers may contact and cultivate these prospects, but they may not solicit them without prior approval of the assigned development officer. Primary clearance is established for one year. If no progress has been made within that time period, primary clearance will be dropped – particularly if another development officer wishes to solicit the prospect. If progress is being made, clearance can be extended past one year.

Soliciting Clearance is the most protective level of clearance allowed. This indicates a solicitation strategy or plan has been filed, and the solicitation is currently in progress. Under no circumstances should any development officer contact the prospect without approval of the assigned development officer. Soliciting clearance is monitored on a monthly basis to insure appropriate movement is being made to close the gift. These efforts are recorded in the GAIL Solicitation Management System.

Stewardship Clearance is assigned after a major gift or commitment has been received. Normally, this level of clearance is assigned for a two-year period; however, this can be adjusted as warranted by individual circumstances. Other development officers are allowed to cultivate the donor with permission of the assigned development officer.

  • Prospect resolution — If two or more development officers or units wish to approach a prospect within the same time frame, the development officers are expected to discuss and resolve the conflict. If a satisfactory resolution cannot be reached, the question will then be considered by the Director of Advancement Services. Failing satisfactory resolution, further appeals can be made to the Associate Vice President for Development, to the Vice President for Development and Alumni Relations, and ultimately to the President.

Last Updated on February 14, 2020