8.1 General Policy Regarding Expenditure of Foundation Funds

The University of Georgia Foundation exists in order to support the University of Georgia in its academic, research, and public service missions. Increasingly, private philanthropic dollars are necessary to supplement public dollars if the University of Georgia is to maintain and strengthen its reputation as one of the leading public universities in the country.

Private philanthropic support depends, in part, upon the confidence donors have in The University of Georgia Foundation’s commitment to sound fiduciary management of funds, including expenses.

All University of Georgia employees are employed by the University System of Georgia and are therefore subject to University System rules with respect to expense reimbursement and other financial support. As a supplement, The University of Georgia Foundation also provides financial support to employees, both as salary supplements and for expense reimbursement. The purpose for such additional support is to help the University of Georgia attract, and keep, the best leaders who can effectively implement the mission of the University of Georgia.

Accordingly, the following general principles apply in judging the appropriateness of expense reimbursements:

  1. All expenses must be both reasonable in amount and necessary to support the mission of the University of Georgia.
  2. All payments to vendors and reimbursements to University of Georgia employees should  be requested from the University of Georgia first to the maximum extent permitted under University System of Georgia rules and regulations; thereafter, application should be made to The University of Georgia Foundation for reimbursement of those expenses not covered by University System rules and regulations.  Please see below for a detailed matrix for processing expenditures.
  3. Those requesting reimbursement from The University of Georgia Foundation should consider that reimbursement funds will come from the donor-provided dollars and that all expense requests are subject to public scrutiny and audit. Expense requests that are not properly documented may subject The University of Georgia Foundation to criticism if there is an appearance that expenses are excessive or not reasonably related to University business. Documentation must make it clear that the expense is reasonable and related to University business.
  4. Requests for reimbursements must be approved by a University employee senior in job position to the person (employee) making the request.
  5. Requests for reimbursement from the President of the University may be subject to additional oversight by the Foundation Audit Committee.
  6. Periodically, the University of Georgia Foundation will adopt specific rules applicable to expenses for travel, entertainment, meals, lodging, and other expenses.

Please see below for a detailed matrix for processing expenditures. These policies are subject to the funds available as approved by the Foundation, and do not provide for any additions thereto.

Last Updated on September 17, 2019