GAIL User Requesting Data Lists

All requests for data lists must go through askit@uga.edu or the unit’s representative for the query group (if applicable). An e-mail to askit@uga.edu will create a ticket and the request will be assigned to the appropriate report writers. All requests for data will be completed and provided within the application. Example: If a unit requests a selection of alumni to be invited to an event, the reporting group will create a selection and provide that selection name to the user. It is then the user’s responsibility to utilize the events module to execute his communication. This process provides several key objectives: 1) keeps the information secure within the application. 2) marks each constituent record as being invited to the event, solicited, and/or delineates individual interactions, 3) allows web developers to put the event on the web

for registration, 4) provides the designation for which funds will be deposited, 5) allows for registration to the event through the system, and 6) gives the Foundation a holistic view of the events to which constituents are invited.

Exception: Development Officers, defined as constituent code of “fundraiser” in GAIL, can request data lists from the system with contact information included. These lists are for their use only and may not be shared with any other users. In addition, requests must be made for prospecting purposes only and should not be used for events or other marketing purposes (Prospect Review and/or Call List). They will receive the file as an extract from the system and must destroy any locally saved downloads within two weeks of extraction. Once built, these extracts can be re-run when needed by the user.

Last Updated on June 24, 2019